How can we use the Internet to communicate when disaster strikes a community?
the internet is a very useful resource. you can find almost anything on it. there are many great resources you can use to find out what's going on in the world. these are some useful resources i use :

- igoogle - you can find almost anything on it . there are a lot of different gadgets you can use. there's a gadget for almost every single news channel or news paper from all around the world. There is also a weather gadget informing you what is the weather like

and also an earthquake tracker.
-Phones - The phone is an amazing creation . It has solved many problems for us. With this creation we can keep in touch with people around the world . We can receive messages informing us about the latest news . When something bad happens we can make a phone call to inform people on what is going on.
-Skype - Skype is a program we use to connect with the people around the world. In this program you see the people you are communicating with through the web cam and you hear what they are saying. It's as if the person is actually standing right there in front of you.

-Radio- The radio is very very old creation that is still used these days. There are lots of news channels from around the world. Every single little thing that happens in the country is announced.

-Television- We can also spread the news through Television. Almost everyone watches T.V. There are all kinds of channels. There are news channels, weather channels,music channels, and entertainment channels.

- Blogs - Everyday people around the world create blogs . There are thousands and thousands of blogs on everything. Even on Natural Disasters. We use these to send a message to the people around us.

- E-mails - All types of e-mails are being sent today. almost everyday i get an e-mail informing me what is going on in the world . this is a very good way to spread the news, but only for the people who check their e-mails continuously .